Brand Ambassador Email Template: Strategy Guide + 5 FREE Templates You Can Steal RIGHT NOW

Alexandra Kazakova

By Alexandra Kazakova
15 min READ | Dec 18 2023

Table of contents

Outreach is never fun. Or precise.

You need a mix of savvy, persuasion, and strategy to get it right.

And you’re on the right page for that.

This article discusses:

  • Brand ambassador emails vs DMs
  • How to prepare before sending your email
  • 5 email templates for different brand ambassadors
  • Tools you can use along the way

We also feature plenty of insider tips from our experience as an influencer marketing platform.

Keep reading below.


Email vs. Direct Messaging (DM):

  • Email Pros: Seen as professional, allows detailed messages, easier to track, perceived as authentic.
  • Email Cons: Lower open rates, can be too formal, risk of being marked as spam.
  • DM Pros: Casual, personal, often checked regularly, good for direct engagement.
  • DM Cons: Seen as less professional, message length limitations, risk of being overlooked.

Preparation for Outreach:

  • Finding the Right Ambassador: Analyze audience, look for relevant qualities, align with brand values.
  • Email Preparation Checklist: Define goals, check audience alignment, detail collaboration, clarify compensation.
  • Personalization: Research potential ambassadors, reference their content, and avoid spam filters.

5 Brand Ambassador Email Templates:

  • Customer Outreach: For engaging loyal customers.
  • Influencer Outreach: Targeting influencers with engaged followings.
  • Employee Outreach: Utilizing knowledgeable employees.
  • Key Opinion Leader (KOL) Outreach: Engaging industry experts.
  • Outreach to the Unfamiliar: Reaching out to those unfamiliar with the brand.

Email Crafting Tips:

  • Personalize approach, clear and concise messaging, highlight mutual benefits.
  • Maintain professionalism, include a clear call-to-action, follow up, and provide multiple contact options.

FAQs Addressed:

  • Ideal length of collaboration messages.
  • Steps if an influencer doesn't respond.
  • Number of influencers to reach out to.
  • Finding influencers' email addresses.

Brand Ambassador Email vs DM

The right communication method can make the difference between successful outreach and ghosting.

Insider tip: Both emails and direct messages have pros and cons. We always advise our clients to choose the one that fits the context and the potential brand ambassador.

Email: The Professional Standard


  • Email is often viewed as more professional and formal compared to TikTok or Instagram DMs.
  • You have more space to convey your message, explain your brand’s vision, and outline the ambassador program in detail.
  • Emails are easier to track and archive, making them suitable for ongoing communication and record-keeping.
  • Emails, especially with a branded domain, tend to be perceived as more authentic and serious.


  • Lower open rates: People may overlook or delay opening promotional or unknown emails, leading to lower immediate engagement.
  • Formality can be intimidating: Some potential ambassadors may find emails too formal and less personal, which can be a barrier to establishing a casual rapport.
  • Spam filters: There’s always a risk that your outreach email might end up in the spam folder.

Direct Messaging (DM): The Personal Touch


  • Quick messages on social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok are perceived as more casual and personal, leading to a quicker connection.
  • People often check DMs more regularly than emails, potentially leading to faster responses.
  • Sending a DM allows you to directly engage with the potential ambassador’s social media content, making the interaction more personal and contextual.


  • DMs may be seen as less formal or professional, which might not align with your communication strategies.
  • DMs restrict the amount of information you can send in a single message, making it challenging to convey detailed proposals.
  • With the influx of messages on social platforms, your DM might get lost or buried in the recipient’s message requests.

Here’s how an Instagram DM looks like:

Source: Personal Email

How to Prepare for Outreach

Now that you’ve decided on the outreach method, let’s prepare your outreach strategy.

1. Find the Right Ambassador

Insider tip: Our clients always tell us that finding the right person is more important than crafting the perfect message.

Imagine you love Surfshark VPN and want a brand partnership offer.

In that case, you wouldn’t care if their message is too long or lacks a catchy subject line.

To find the right brand ambassador, you follow the steps below:

  • Analyze your target audience’s demographics, interests, and behavior to understand who they relate to.
  • Determine the qualities you want in an ambassador – credibility, relatability, authenticity, and a relevant follower base.
  • Ensure potential ambassadors embody your brand’s values and ethos.

It’s also important to use the right tool.

And inBeat’s influencer discovery platform is that effective tool you’ve been searching for.

It allows you to filter influencers based on your specific criteria, such as location, engagement rate, follower count, and more.

Like so:


Insider tip. We advise our clients to prioritize engagement rates and quality content over follower count.

2. Prepare Your Brand Ambassador Email [Essential Question Checklist]

Crafting an effective brand ambassador outreach email requires strategic planning.

Insider tip: Strategy is the best way to skyrocket your reply rates.

Here’s a checklist of essential factors you need to answer to yourself before contacting potential brand ambassadors:

  • Define the primary goal of your email: Is it to introduce your brand, propose a collaboration, or invite them to a specific campaign?
  • Check audience alignment: Does your ambassador’s audience match your target demographic? Is their content style and quality in line with your brand’s image and messaging?
  • Outline collaboration details: Outline what you expect from the ambassador and what you are offering in return. Be specific about the nature of the collaboration, whether it’s an affiliate program, sponsored content with discount codes, or event appearances.
  • Compensation structure: Clearly state how the content creator will be compensated – whether it’s through products, monetary payment, competitive commission rates, or other incentives.

3. Personalize Your Message

Personalizing your outreach increases positive response rates.

But to personalize your brand ambassador emails, you need research.

So, browse potential ambassador’s posts to:

  • Reference specific content they’ve created or aspects of their online presence that align with your brand.
  • Understand what’s important to them before sending your outreach message. That will help you pick the best incentives and craft the most persuasive arguments.

Insider tip: We’ve had many clients with low open rates because their emails were marked as spam.

To avoid your outreach emails being marked as spam, implement an email warm-up process to build a reputation with email service providers (ESPs).

5 Brand Ambassador Email Templates

Now that you’re here, you’re ready to start your brand ambassador outreach. We’ll help you with five templates we’ve also shared with some of our clients at inBeat.

1. Email Template for Customer Outreach

Loyal customers make great brand ambassadors because they offer genuine endorsements based on real experiences.

And since they deeply understand your products, they can become passionate affiliate partners in various social media campaigns.

Plus, their personal stories and enthusiasm for the brand create a compelling, relatable message.

You also get good insights into customer preferences.

So, here’s a good brand ambassador email template for your valued customers:

Subject: We Value You: Join Our Exclusive Brand Ambassador Program!

Dear [Customer’s Name],

As someone who has been with [Brand Name] through our journey, your enthusiasm and loyalty haven’t gone unnoticed. We’re reaching out to you, one of our most valued customers, with an exclusive invitation.

🌟 Become a [Brand Name] Brand Ambassador! 🌟

Why You? Here’s why:

  • Your genuine love for our products shines through.
  • You understand the essence of our brand.
  • Your feedback has always inspired us to grow and improve.

What’s in It for You?

  • Exclusive Perks: Enjoy special discounts, free products, and early access to our new releases.
  • Be Heard: Share your input directly with our team to shape future products.
  • Expand Your Network: Connect with a community of like-minded enthusiasts.
  • Earn Rewards: Get exclusive rewards for referrals and content you create.

How to Join?

Simply reply to this email expressing your interest, and we’ll send you all the details about the program and how to get started.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Brand Name]

[Contact Information]

2. Influencer Outreach Template

Influencers may also be good brand ambassadors because they have engaged followings, offering trust, credibility, and increased visibility..

Plus, many influencers cater to specific niches, allowing for targeted marketing.

Insider tip: The influencers we feature on our platform also offer new, creative angles to showcase your products or services.

And since they’re experienced in digital marketing, they can effectively promote your brand across various platforms.

Here’s a good influencer outreach email template connect to relevant influencers:

Subject: Exclusive Invitation: Become a [Brand Name] Ambassador!

Hello [Influencer’s Name],

I’m [Your Name], [Your Position] at [Brand Name]. We’ve been following your work in [Industry] and are thoroughly impressed by your expertise in the field.

We believe that your passion for [Specific Aspect of Industry] aligns perfectly with our brand’s mission. That’s why we’re excited to extend an exclusive invitation to you to join us as a [Brand Name] Brand Ambassador!

Why Partner with [Brand Name]?

  • Your thought leadership in [Industry] mirrors our commitment to quality and innovation.
  • Get first-hand experience with our latest products and share your expert insights.
  • Leverage our platform to amplify your voice and reach a broader audience.
  • Enjoy competitive compensation, including [list specific rewards, e.g., commissions, free products, etc.].

What Would This Partnership Involve?

  • Sharing your experiences with our products on your social media channels.
  • Providing valuable feedback to help us improve and innovate.
  • Participating in our upcoming campaigns and events as a key spokesperson.

If you’re interested, simply reply to this email or click the link below.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Brand Name]

[Contact Information]

3. Email Template for Employee Outreach

Employees also make great brand ambassadors because they have a comprehensive understanding of the brand, products, and services.

Besides, their genuine experiences and stories lend authenticity to brand messages.

And using employees is a more affordable marketing strategy compared to external influencers.

Here’s an email template you can adapt to reach out to an employee:

Subject: Join Our Brand Ambassador Team – We Want You!

Hi [Employee’s Name],

Here at [Company Name], we recognize and value the passion and dedication our team brings to work every day. That’s why we are excited to introduce our new Brand Ambassador Program, and we think you’d be a perfect fit!

Why You?

  • Your enthusiasm and knowledge about [Company Name] are truly infectious.
  • You embody our values and represent the best of what we stand for.
  • Your unique perspective as an [Employee’s Position] adds credibility and authenticity to our brand.

What Does Being a Brand Ambassador Involve?

  • Sharing your positive experiences and stories about working at [Company Name] on your social media.
  • Representing [Company Name] at events, meetings, or in marketing materials.
  • Providing feedback on how we can continue to grow and improve.
  • Engaging with our community both online and offline.

What’s in It for You?

  • Exclusive access to new products and services before they launch.
  • Special discounts and offers.
  • Recognition and spotlight in our internal communications.
  • A chance to grow your professional network and personal brand.

If you’re interested in becoming a [Company Name] Brand Ambassador, please reply to this email, and we’ll get back to you with more details.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Company Name]

[Contact Information]

4. Email Template for a Key Opinion Leader

Selecting a key opinion leader (KOL) in your niche as a brand ambassador offers several advantages, ranging from expert credibility to trust transfer and high audience engagement.

Insider tip: We also recommend this option to clients who want to open new industry connections.

And more importantly, these industry experts can provide insightful feedback for product improvement.

Here’s a good email template to persuade a key opinion leader:

Subject: Collaborate with [Your Brand Name] – A Unique Opportunity Awaits!

Dear [KOL’s Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I represent [Your Brand Name]. We’ve been admirers of your work in [KOL’s Niche] and are impressed by the profound impact you have on your audience.

That’s why we’re reaching out to you with an exciting proposal: to become a Brand Ambassador for [Your Brand Name].

Why Partner with Us?

  • Your passion for [KOL’s Niche] aligns seamlessly with our brand ethos.
  • Your ability to connect with and influence your audience is unparalleled, and we’d love for our brand to be a part of that conversation.

What We Offer:

  • Attractive financial incentives for your valuable contributions.
  • Early access to our latest offerings and behind-the-scenes looks.
  • We respect your expertise and offer creative freedom in how you choose to represent our brand.
  • Connect with other leaders in the industry through our network.

If this opportunity intrigues you, reply to this email, and we’ll offer more details.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Brand Name]

[Contact Information]

5. Email Template for Someone Who Doesn’t Know Your Brand

Selecting a person who is not initially familiar with your brand to be a brand ambassador can be advantageous in certain scenarios.

For example, they offer unbiased views and authentic feedback.

You can also use such a brand ambassador to penetrate untapped demographics and convert skeptics into loyal customers.

In fact, these people’s journey from unawareness to brand appreciation creates a compelling story that resonates with audiences valuing authenticity.

Here’s a potential email outreach template:

Subject: Discover [Your Brand Name] - An Exciting Opportunity Awaits!

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

I’m [Your Name], reaching out from [Your Brand Name], a brand passionate about [Brief Description of What the Brand Does/Offers].

We came across your [Platform/Profile] and were captivated by your [Mention a Specific Quality or Aspect of Their Work]. While you might not be familiar with us yet, we believe this could be the start of an exciting journey, both for you and for our brand.

Why This Collaboration?

  • As someone new to [Your Brand Name], your genuine first impressions and experiences with our products/services can resonate powerfully with a broader audience.
  • We’re looking for someone to explore and share their honest journey with our brand, providing authentic content creation.
  • This partnership is an opportunity for both of us to grow – we offer you a new platform and audience, and in return, we gain fresh, authentic advocacy.

What’s in It for You?

  • Be among the first to experience our latest offerings.
  • We value your unique voice and perspective, offering creative freedom in how you share your experience.
  • Our team will be with you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable collaboration.
  • We offer [Specify Compensation, e.g., monetary compensation, free products, discounts, etc.] for your valuable contributions.

Let us know if you’re interested by replying to this email!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Brand Name]

[Contact Information]

Brand Ambassador Email Tips

Crafting an effective email to potential brand ambassadors is key to initiating a successful partnership. Here are some tips to ensure your outreach stands out:

1. Personalize Your Approach

  • Avoid generic greetings like “Dear influencer” or “Dear reader.” Use the recipient’s name to establish a personal connection.
  • Mention specific aspects of their content or achievements to show that you’ve done your research.

2. Be Clear and Concise

  • Clearly state the purpose of your email in the opening lines.
  • Long emails can be overwhelming. Keep your message concise and to the point.
  • Be clear about any expectations, requirements, and even content topics.
  • Explain how many social media posts you need or if you’re aiming for an ongoing collaboration.

3. Highlight Mutual Benefits

  • Explain how partnering with your brand benefits them, not just how they benefit you.
  • Explain your company mission and outline what makes your brand ambassador program unique.

4. Maintain Professionalism

  • Even if you’re aiming for a casual approach, maintain a level of professionalism.
  • Proofread your email to avoid typos and grammatical errors.

5. Include a Clear Call to Action

  • Make it clear what you want them to do next, whether it’s to reply, sign up, or schedule a call.
  • Ensure they can easily reach out with questions or express their interest.

6. Follow Up

If you haven’t heard back in a few days, a polite follow-up email can demonstrate your genuine interest.

7. Provide Multiple Contact Options

  • Offer different ways to respond, such as replying to the email, contacting you via social media, or providing a direct phone number.
  • Align these options with platforms where influencers are most active.
  • If you require them to fill out a form, ensure it’s user-friendly and doesn’t demand excessive time or effort.
  • Keep forms short and straightforward, asking only for essential information.

Insider tip: After onboarding, we advise our customers to craft ambassador welcome letters. This is a good first step to crafting a successful, long-term relationship with individual influencers.


How Long Should My Collaboration Messages Be?

Your collaboration messages should be concise yet informative – ideally no more than a few paragraphs. Aim for brevity while ensuring you include all necessary details about the collaboration. A good rule of thumb is to keep the message under 200 words. This length is enough to convey your proposal clearly without overwhelming the recipient.

What Should I Do if an Influencer Won’t Respond to My Messages?

If an influencer didn’t respond to your previous email, consider the following steps:

  • Give them 3-5 days before sending a polite follow-up message.
  • Reflect on your initial message to ensure it was clear, appealing, and personalized.
  • If there’s still no response after a follow-up, it’s best to move on and reach out to other potential influencers.

How Many Influencers Should I Reach Out To?

The number of collaboration emails depends on your campaign’s scope and goals. Start with a focused group – around 10-20 influencers – to manage the campaign effectively. This number allows for some non-responses or rejections while still ensuring a sufficient pool of influencers to work with. If you want to produce content at scale, you can adjust the number accordingly.

Where Can I Find an Influencer’s Email Address?

To find influencers’ email addresses, search the influencer’s social media bio or “About” page. If they have a website or blog, they may have listed their personal information there.

Also, using an influencer marketing platform like inBeat can connect you with the most engaged influencers. After making a list of influencers, you can simply export and integrate it with your CRM.

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