How to Find YouTube Influencers: 7 Essential Tactics for Connecting with the Right Creators

Alexandra Kazakova

By Alexandra Kazakova
14 min READ | Jan 18 2024

Table of contents

Finding the right YouTube influencers can make or break your campaign.

We’re speaking from experience.

Charming Carter Sullivan is one of the micro - influencers our sister agency found for the finance app Mogo:


But we digress.

The point is you’re on the right page. We’ll teach you how to find YouTube influencers according to your needs using our experience.

This article reveals:

  • 7 ways to find relevant creators for your influencer campaign, with step-by-step advice
  • Good tools you can use for the job
  • Insider tips and examples
  • A bonus section on finding local YouTube influencers.

Let’s dive in.

TL;DR: How to Find YouTube Influencers

  1. Utilize inBeat's Influencer Search Tool: Specialized platform for discovering influencers based on keywords, niche, and engagement levels. Offers a vast database and targeted insights for YouTube influencer discovery.
  2. Leverage YouTube's Own Search Features: Start with relevant keywords, use advanced search filters, explore YouTube hashtags, utilize the Trending page, and browse related or recommended channels for potential influencers.
  3. Use Google for Broader Searches: Incorporate specific keywords and use advanced search queries to find YouTube influencers outside the platform's internal search capabilities.
  4. Explore Other Social Media Platforms: Identify influencers active on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc., who also have a YouTube presence, using niche-specific hashtags and bio links.
  5. Ask for Recommendations: Seek suggestions from industry insiders or peers for reliable and vetted YouTube influencers, particularly useful in niche markets.
  6. Attend Conferences and Events: Engage in face-to-face interactions with influencers and industry professionals at relevant events, offering direct insights into their expertise and alignment with your brand.
  7. Create a Brand Ambassador Program: Reverse the outreach process by attracting influencers to your brand, setting clear goals and incentives, and promoting your program effectively.

Bonus Tip: Finding Local YouTubers: Use location-specific search terms, explore local events, refine Google searches geographically, and utilize inBeat’s filtering for regional influencers.

General Advice: Align your search tactics with your campaign goals and create an influencer persona to streamline the process, using tools like inBeat for efficient influencer discovery.

1. inBeat’s Influencer Search Tool

inBeat is a specialized platform for influencer discovery. This software lets you discover influencers in bulk according to your keywords and niche.

You can even set the desired engagement level and compare profiles.

Plus, this influencer database has millions of influencers - all vetted for quality.

And it’s free.

Basically, this influencer marketing platform streamlines the entire process of finding relevant YouTube influencers because it provides targeted insights and data-driven profiles.

Here’s how to use it effectively:

  1. Enter keywords related to your niche or industry: For example, if you are looking for relevant influencers in the fitness sector, you might input keywords like “fitness,” “workout,” or “health tips.”

Pro tip: You may notice that inBeat only offers influencer search for Instagram and TikTok. To solve this problem, simply add “YouTube” as a search keyword on this platform.

Besides, using inBeat to find YouTube influencers ensures those creators have a well-rounded social media presence.

Here’s how the results look for travel YouTube influencers:

  1. Set filters: This influencer search tool has different filters, so use them wisely to refine your search and find the best social media influencers. Set the number of subscribers, average views, engagement rate, location of the influencer, and content language. You can look for influencers with a larger audience of millions of followers or those with a niche audience.
  2. Review influencer profiles: The tool will display a list of influencers who match your criteria. Review their profiles, which typically include key metrics like subscriber count, average views, and engagement rates. Also, inBeat helps you avoid influencers with fake followers.
  3. Assess brand fit: Consider how well each influencer aligns with your brand’s values and marketing goals. Check for relevant audience, content, and the influencer’s overall tone and style.
  4. Shortlist and reach out: Select the influencers you want to work with, then export this influencer list using inBeat. You can then integrate this list of influencers into your CRM tool to contact these creators directly.

Finding YouTube influencers can begin with the platform’s own search feature. Here’s how to use YouTube’s search functionality to its fullest:

2.1. Start with Relevant Keywords

  • Identify your niche: Define the niche or industry you’re interested in. This could be anything from beauty and gaming to cooking or fashion influencers.
  • Use specific keywords: Type in keywords related to your niche. For example, if you’re looking for beauty influencers, you might search for "makeup tutorials," "skincare routines," or "beauty product reviews."

If you’re interested in fitness, for example, tap “pistol squat tutorial:”


Pro tips:

  • Look at the top results and explore both individual videos and channels.
  • Pay attention to the number of views per video and social followers as initial influence and reach indicators.
  • Watch several videos from a channel to understand the influencer’s style, content quality, and consistency.
  • Use a free engagement rate calculator to ensure you partner with influencers with a committed audience.

2.2. Use Advanced Search Filters

YouTube’s advanced search filters allow you to refine your search. For example, filtering by view count can help you find the most popular videos in your niche.

You can also filter by date to find the newest videos or by rating to discover the best-liked posts from relevant YouTubers.

2.3. Search YouTube Hashtags

YouTube Hashtags allow you to zero in on suitable influencers who approach specific topics.

  1. Determine relevant hashtags to your industry or niche: For instance, if you’re in the fitness industry, you might use key hashtags like #FitnessTips, #WorkoutRoutines, or #HealthWellness.
  2. Enter these hashtags in the YouTube search bar: This will bring up videos tagged with these specific hashtags.
  3. Browse results: Pay attention to those with high views and engagement, as they are likely from influential creators in that niche.
  4. Check creator profiles: When you find a video that aligns with your brand, visit the creator’s YouTube channel to get a sense of their overall content and influence.

Pro tip: Hashtags like "sponsored" or "ad" show you previous campaigns specific influencers produced content for. This is a valuable tool to understand brand fit and make data-driven decisions.

YouTube Trending Page is a solid resource for identifying popular content and emerging influencers on this social channel. This feature highlights what’s currently popular on YouTube, often including a mix of viral videos, new releases from prominent creators, and breakout content from rising stars.

Here’s how to use this tool:

  • Visit the YouTube Trending page regularly to keep up with the latest trends and popular content formats.
  • Pay attention to recurring creators who may be gaining popularity rapidly. These influencers could be valuable for timely and trend-focused collaborations.
  • Look at the view counts and engagement on trending videos to gauge their reach and impact.

Pro tip: While trending content can be diverse, look for videos and creators that align with your brand’s niche and values.

Exploring related channels on YouTube can lead you to relevant influencers who share a similar audience or content style to those you are already interested in. This method is particularly useful for finding influencers within a specific niche or category.

Here’s how to use related channels to find the perfect influencers:

  1. Begin with a YouTube channel that aligns well with your brand or is popular in your niche.
  2. Most YouTube channels have a ’Channels’ tab, which lists other channels that are related or often viewed by the same audience. Go through these related channels to discover new influencers. Look at their content, subscriber count, and the overall theme of their channel.
  3. Consider how well these influencers align with your brand’s values, audience demographics, and marketing goals.

YouTube’s algorithm suggests recommended channels based on your viewing history and the type of content popular among similar audiences.

Here’s how to train the YouTube algorithm to recommend solid influencers:

  1. Spend time watching videos in your niche: YouTube’s algorithm will start recognizing your interests and recommending similar channels.
  2. While watching a video, check the sidebar for recommended channels: These suggestions are algorithmically tailored to match the content you are viewing.
  3. Follow recommendations: Explore these recommended channels to uncover potential influencers with a content style or audience similar to what you seek.

3. Google

Using Google to find YouTube influencers involves leveraging the search engine’s vast indexing capabilities to uncover influencers who might not be immediately visible through YouTube’s search features.

Here’s how to do it:

3.1. Start with Keyword Research

Identify keywords related to your brand’s niche or the type of influencer you are looking for. These could range from broad industry terms to more specific topics.

Pro tips:

  • When you input these keywords into Google, include the term ’YouTube’ to narrow your search to relevant YouTube content.
  • Create alerts for keywords related to your niche. This can help you stay updated on new content or emerging creators to power up your influencer marketing strategy.

3.2. Use Advanced Google Search Queries

  • Utilize search operators: Google’s search operators can refine your search. For example, using "" followed by your keywords will limit results to YouTube.
  • Search for lists and recommendations: Blog posts and industry websites often compile lists of top influencers in various niches. Search for terms like “top YouTube [niche] influencers” to find these curated lists.

4. Other Social Media

Leveraging other social media platforms is an effective strategy to find YouTube influencers because many creators maintain a presence across multiple platforms.

This approach is best for a more comprehensive influencer marketing campaign with consistent content across various social platforms.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Choose platforms aligned with your niche: Different social media platforms cater to different demographics and interests. Identify the platforms where your target audience and potential influencers are most active, such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, or Facebook.
  2. Search for niche-specific hashtags: Use relevant hashtags to your niche on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. For example, #BeautyBlogger or #TechReview might lead you to influencers with YouTube channels.
  3. Use keywords in search: Platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook allow you to search for keywords related to your niche, which can help identify professionals and influencers in your field.
  4. Use inBeat influencer discovery tool: The tool we discussed in section one allows you to find the best profiles according to your search needs and compare these profiles seamlessly.

Pro tips:

  • Check bio sections: Many influencers include links to their other social media profiles, including YouTube, in their bio sections.
  • Look for video content: Pay attention to posts that include video content, as these influencers are likelier to have a YouTube presence.
  • Evaluate engagement levels: Review their posts’ likes, comments, and shares to gauge their audience’s engagement and reach. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have their own analytics tools, which can provide insights into influencer performance and exposure.

inBeat influencer discovery tool is one of the best ways to ensure these influencers have tight relationships with their audience:

5. Ask for Recommendations

Asking for recommendations to find YouTube influencers can be an exceptionally effective strategy, particularly in certain scenarios:

  • Access to vetted professionals: These recommendations come from firsthand experiences, ensuring a certain level of quality and reliability. For example, if you’re seeking a tech influencer, a suggestion from a trusted source in the tech industry can lead you to an influencer known for their insightful and accurate reviews.
  • Industry insider insights: People within the industry often have deeper insights into who the key influencers are. For instance, in the beauty industry, fellow creators or brand managers might know popular influencers with genuine influence and a positive reputation.
  • Saves time: Finding influencers through recommendations can be quicker than conducting your own extensive research. This is particularly advantageous if you’re a smaller brand or startup that might not have the resources for in-depth influencer scouting.
  • Trust factor: A recommendation, especially from a respected individual or a peer in the industry, carries weight and can enhance the trustworthiness of the influencer. This is vital in sectors where credibility is paramount, like health and wellness.
  • Good for niche influencers: For example, if your brand is in a specialized field like sustainable fashion, a recommendation from a sustainability expert can lead you to influencers with a dedicated and knowledgeable audience in this niche.

6. Attend Conferences and Events

Attending conferences and events is a highly effective way to find YouTube influencers, particularly for businesses operating in the B2B sector.

  • Unique opportunity for face-to-face interactions: These events bring together a broad range of professionals, including influencers, industry experts, brand representatives, and content creators. And interacting with them directly ensures that you’re aligned in terms of style, values, work ethic, and interests.
  • Industry-specific topics: Influencers specializing in relevant fields are likely to attend. So, you’ll identify and connect with influencers who have a deep understanding of the industry and can effectively communicate complex topics to a targeted audience.
  • Involvement: These influencers’ presence at such events also signifies their active involvement and interest in the industry, making them potentially valuable partners for your influencer marketing efforts.
  • Better analysis: These events often feature panels, workshops, and networking sessions where influencers share their insights and experiences. Engaging with them in these settings allows you to gauge their expertise, presentation style, and ability to engage an audience.
  • Networking opportunities: These events allow you to build long-term relationships with influencers and other industry professionals. These interactions can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and insights into the latest trends and successful marketing strategies.

7. Create a Brand Ambassador Program

Creating a brand ambassador program reverses the usual influencer outreach process. With this strategy, popular influencers can find and contact you first.

The key is creating a brand ambassador program that encourages the right influencers to contact you. So:

  1. Define your goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your brand ambassador program. This could include increasing brand awareness, boosting sales, or enhancing your social media presence.
  2. Understand the audience you want to reach through these influencers: This will guide you in identifying the type of influencers that align with your brand.
  3. Pick the best incentives and rewards for your ambassadors: This could include free products, commissions, exclusive discounts, or early access to new products.
  4. Clearly outline roles and expectations: This might include a certain number of posts, video content, or participation in brand events.
  5. Create a straightforward application process: Consider a dedicated section on your website or a simple online form. Ensure the application form captures key information such as the influencer’s name, contact details, YouTube channel link, and reasons for their interest in your brand.
  6. Promote your brand ambassador program: Announce your program on your website, social media platforms, email newsletters, and other marketing channels. Emphasize what makes your program unique and attractive to potential ambassadors, such as exclusive perks or a supportive community.
  7. Review applications carefully: Evaluate each applicant’s YouTube content, audience engagement, and alignment with your brand values.
  8. Track performance: Set up metrics to measure the program’s success, such as engagement rates, referral traffic, or sales generated. Use these insights gained to refine and improve your program continuously.

Pro tips:

  • You might want to start with a trial collaboration to assess the influencer’s fit with your brand before making a long-term commitment.
  • Keep in touch with your ambassadors through regular updates, feedback sessions, and community-building activities. This will help you build long-term relationships.
  • Offer resources and support to help them create content that aligns with your brand, such as guidelines, key messages, or creative assets.

Bonus: How to find local YouTubers?

Finding local YouTubers is essential if you want to target a specific geographical audience or your business operates regionally. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Incorporate location-specific terms into your YouTube search: For instance, if you’re looking for YouTubers in Los Angeles, use keywords like “Los Angeles vlogger” or “LA tech reviewer.”
  2. Explore community and event videos: Look for videos about local events, community gatherings, or regional landmarks, as local influencers typically get involved in local actions.
  3. Refine your Google search with geographical modifiers: Use Google to search for YouTubers, but include your city or region in the search terms. Phrases like “best Miami lifestyle YouTubers” or “Seattle travel YouTubers” can yield useful results.
  4. Check local listings and blogs: Local blogs or community websites sometimes compile lists of popular YouTubers in the area. Browse these to find the perfect matches, but manually check these profiles to ensure high levels of engagement.
  5. Use location-based hashtags or search terms on social media: Many YouTubers use multiple social media channels and often tag their location.
  6. Follow local hashtags and trends: Keep an eye on what’s trending in your area and identify influencers engaging with these local trends.
  7. Attend local events and meetups: Attending local events, meetups, and community gatherings is a cost-effective way to meet local influencers in person. These can be especially fruitful if you seek influencers in a particular niche.
  8. Join regional online groups: Platforms like Facebook groups, Reddit communities, and local forums can be good places to ask for recommendations or find posts by local influencers.
  9. Use inBeat’s influencer discovery engine: Access inBeat’s influencer platform. The tool allows you to filter influencers by location, making it easier to find YouTubers in your specific area.

As you can see, there are numerous ways to find YouTube influencers that fit your brand. So, choosing the right method or mix of methods can be tricky.

Pro tip: Start from your goals and create an influencer persona based on your target audience.

This will help you identify the right keywords, filters, and hashtags to search by. It will also help you identify key audience metrics to look for.

And remember that inBeat is here to streamline your search – so try the platform now; it’s free, fast, and flexible.

inBeat, for free

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