Top 22 Places, Tools, and Platforms to Find UGC Jobs

Alexandra Kazakova

By Alexandra Kazakova
43 min READ | Feb 1 2024

Table of contents

The content creator job market is pretty competitive despite its uprising. Finding the right platform to showcase your talents and secure UGC creator jobs can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

The unique problem creators face isn't just the saturation of the market; it's the task of sifting through endless platforms, each promising opportunity but not always delivering.

This challenge can leave even the most talented and authentic content creators feeling lost in a sea of options, unsure where their content will truly resonate and reap the rewards.

If you're nodding along, feeling the sting of this specific dilemma, breathe easy.

You're exactly where you need to be!

This article will serve as your compass, pointing you toward the top 22 tools and platforms that are fertile ground for UGC and short-form video creator jobs.

Here's what you'll find:

  • Detailed insights into each platform's unique offerings.
  • Pros and cons to weigh your options effectively.
  • Key features and social media channels that set each platform apart.
  • Pricing plans to plan your journey without financial surprises.

Keep reading to unlock the doors to opportunities that align with your creativity, skillset, and career aspirations.

Let's dive in and discover where your next UGC creator job awaits!

1. Showcase

Showcase is a vibrant, innovative UGC and influencer marketplace designed to connect creators with brands looking for authentic and engaging content.

Positioned at the intersection of creativity and commerce, Showcase offers a streamlined, intuitive interface that simplifies the process of finding and securing UGC projects.

The influencer marketplace caters to a wide range of content creators, from videographers and photographers to writers and graphic designers, making it a versatile hub for creative talent.

With its focus on building meaningful connections, Showcase enables creators to not only find work but also to collaborate with brands that align with their values and aesthetics.

Key marketplace features:

  • Robust matching algorithm. It uses user preferences and skills to match creators with the most relevant UGC projects.
  • Portfolio integration. Creators can seamlessly integrate their portfolio, showcasing their work directly to potential clients on the platform.
  • Direct communication tools. It features built-in messaging and project management tools to facilitate clear, direct communication between creators and brands.
  • Analytics dashboard. It offers an analytics dashboard for creators to track engagement and performance metrics of their content, helping to refine their strategies.
  • Secure payment system. It ensures timely and secure payments through an integrated payment system, reducing the hassle of financial transactions for creators.


  • UGC only, no posting required.
  • Access to a diverse range of job opportunities across various industries.
  • The ability to showcase work directly to potential clients enhances visibility and engagement.
  • Streamlined communication and project management tools simplify collaboration.
  • Secure and reliable payment mechanism protects financial interests.


  • The competitive nature of the platform may require constant portfolio updates and engagement to stand out.
  • Limited to UGC content, which may not cater to all types of creators.

Pricing plans:

UGC creators are welcome to set up their own rates per project and per different UGC content types.

2. Hiretalents

Hiretalents is an emerging online influencer marketplace designed to bridge the gap between UGC creators and businesses seeking original content.

It distinguishes itself by focusing on simplicity, offering an easy-to-navigate platform that emphasizes quick connections between talent and companies.

This platform is ideal for creators across various mediums, including social media content, blogging, photography, and more, providing them with a space to find opportunities tailored to their skills.

Hiretalents strongly emphasizes flexibility and variety, allowing creators to explore opportunities ranging from one-off projects to long-term collaborations.

Key marketplace features:

  • Wide range of categories. It covers a broad spectrum of content creation categories, enabling creators to find jobs in their specific niche.
  • Project-based work. It offers flexibility with project-based jobs, allowing creators to choose opportunities that fit their schedules and interests.
  • Direct client engagement. It facilitates direct engagement and content reviews from clients through the platform, enabling transparent negotiations and collaborations.
  • Feedback and rating system. It incorporates a feedback and content review system that helps creators build their reputation on the platform, leading to more opportunities.
  • No membership fee. Creators can join and browse opportunities without a membership fee, making the platform accessible to a wider audience.


  • Diverse job opportunities across different content creation fields increase work options.
  • Direct negotiation with clients empowers creators to set fair prices and terms.
  • The feedback and content review system helps in building a credible profile and attracting more clients.
  • No upfront cost to join or browse jobs makes it financially accessible for new creators.


  • High competition for jobs can make it challenging for newcomers to secure their first projects.
  • Reliance on client content reviews may pressure creators to compromise on their rates or terms.
  • The platform’s focus on project-based work may not suit creators looking for steady, long-term engagements.

Pricing plans:

Hiretalents operates primarily on a commission-based model, where it takes a percentage from the finalized payment for each project. This commission rate varies depending on the project's size and complexity but allows for free access and application to job listings.

3. Skeepers Community

Skeepers Community is a dynamic online platform that connects UGC creators with brands and businesses seeking to enhance their social media and marketing presence through authentic and engaging user-generated content.

As part of the broader Skeepers ecosystem, which focuses on leveraging customer feedback and experiences to drive brand growth, the community platform fosters direct collaborations between creators and brands.

This environment not only supports the discovery of job opportunities but also emphasizes the development of lasting professional relationships.

It caters to a wide array of creators, including those specialized in video production, social media content, graphic design, and written content, providing a rich ground for creative endeavors.

Key platform features:

  • Brand creator matchmaking. It uses an intelligent matchmaking system to pair creators with brands that match their skills and creative style.
  • Interactive community features. It offers forums, discussion groups, and live events to encourage networking and skill-sharing among creators.
  • Comprehensive project management tools. It includes tools for managing projects from initiation to completion, ensuring smooth collaborations between creators and brands.
  • Performance tracking. It provides creators with tools to track the performance of their content, offering insights into engagement and effectiveness.
  • Educational resources. Access to workshops, webinars, and articles to help creators improve their skills and stay updated on industry trends.


  • Opportunity to work with a diverse range of brands and industries, expanding creative portfolios.
  • A supportive community that encourages learning and collaboration among peers.
  • Access to tools and resources that aid in professional development and content optimization.
  • Direct contact with brands facilitates clear communication and project expectations.


  • The platform’s emphasis on community engagement might require additional time investment beyond content creation.
  • The platform's growing popularity can intensify competition for high-profile projects.
  • Navigating brand expectations within the community setting may require a learning curve for new creators.

Pricing plans:

Skeepers Community offers a membership-based model with free registration that allows creators to join the community, access basic features, and apply for jobs. Premium membership options provide enhanced visibility to brands, access to advanced project management tools, and exclusive educational content.

4. Beeroll

Beeroll is an innovative platform that revolutionizes how video content creators connect with brands for UGC projects.

Focused primarily on video content, Beeroll offers a unique proposition by facilitating the creation of authentic, brand-aligned user-generated content that resonates with audiences.

The platform is designed to streamline the matchmaking process, ensuring creators and brands can find the perfect fit for their needs quickly and efficiently.

Beeroll stands out by emphasizing the quality and authenticity of content, catering to creators specializing in storytelling, product reviews, tutorials, and more.

Its user-friendly interface and supportive community make it an attractive option for videographers of all levels looking to expand their portfolio and work with exciting brands.

Key platform features:

  • Tailored matchmaking algorithm. Matches creators with brands based on content style, expertise, and campaign goals for a seamless fit.
  • Project bidding system. Allows creators to bid on projects, giving them control over the work they take on and the compensation they receive.
  • Integrated content delivery system. Simplifies the content submission and review process, ensuring smooth transactions between creators and brands.
  • Real-time analytics. Provides creators with real-time feedback on their content's performance, helping them gauge impact and engagement.
  • Community support and resources. Offers access to a community of creators, along with educational resources to help improve skills and adapt to market trends.


  • Direct access to a variety of brand projects, enabling creators to work on campaigns that align with their interests and skills.
  • The bidding system empowers creators to have a say in their workload and earnings.
  • Real-time analytics offer valuable insights into content performance, aiding in personal brand growth.
  • The integrated content system and community support streamline the creation and collaboration process.


  • The competitive bidding process might result in lower prices due to market saturation.
  • Focused primarily on video content, which may limit opportunities for creators in other mediums.
  • The platform’s emphasis on brand alignment could restrict creative freedom for some projects.

Pricing plans:

Beeroll operates on a commission-based model, taking a percentage of the creator's earnings from each project as a fee for using the platform. This approach allows creators to join and bid on projects without upfront costs, aligning the platform’s success with that of its users.

5. Trend

Trend is a cutting-edge platform designed to connect UGC creators with brands seeking high-quality, authentic user-generated content.

By simplifying the connection between creators and brands, Trend offers an efficient and effective solution for creators to find work that aligns with their expertise and for brands to find content that resonates with their audience.

The platform particularly appeals to influencers and content creators specializing in social media content across platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

With its streamlined process and focus on community, Trend is an attractive option for creators looking to leverage their social media presence into professional opportunities.

Key platform features with descriptions:

  • Curated brand opportunities. It offers access to a selection of brand campaigns specifically curated to match the creator's niche and content style.
  • Direct submission to brands. It enables creators to submit content directly to brands for approval, streamlining the collaboration process.
  • Fixed pricing model. It provides clear, upfront compensation rates for campaigns, removing the uncertainty often associated with project-based work.
  • Creator portfolio showcase. It allows creators to build and showcase their portfolio directly on the platform, highlighting their work to potential brand partners.
  • Performance analytics. It grants access to analytics tools that track the performance of their content across different campaigns and platforms.


  • Access to a vetted selection of brands makes it easier to find relevant opportunities.
  • Fixed pricing removes the guesswork from compensation, ensuring fair and transparent payment for work.
  • The direct submission process makes collaborations with brands more efficient and less cumbersome.
  • Portfolio features enhance visibility and help attract more opportunities based on past work.


  • Limited to creators with an established social media presence, potentially excluding newcomers or those with smaller followings.
  • Fixed pricing, while transparent, may not always reflect the market rate or a creator's perceived value of their work.
  • The platform’s focus on social media content may not cater to creators in other niches or mediums.

Pricing plans:

Trend operates on a membership model for creators, with a focus on providing access to premium brand campaigns and features. The specific details of membership fees, including any tiers or levels of access, are not publicly available. Creators interested in joining Trend are encouraged to apply through the platform to receive more information on membership costs and benefits.

6. Obviously

Obviously is a premier platform designed to connect influencers and UGC creators with top brands for collaborative marketing campaigns.

Serving as a nexus for creative talent and leading companies Obviously specializes in curating high-impact partnerships that benefit both creators and brands.

The platform is renowned for its hands-on approach, offering personalized matchmaking and support to ensure that collaborations are not only successful but also fulfilling for all parties involved.

With a focus on influencer marketing across various social media platforms, Obviously caters to a wide range of content creators, from Instagram fashionistas and YouTube vloggers to TikTok entertainers and beyond.

Key platform features:

  • Personalized campaign matchmaking. It offers tailored matchmaking, connecting creators with brands that align with their audience and content style.
  • Comprehensive campaign management. To ensure smooth collaborations, it provides full campaign management support, including briefing, content approval, and performance tracking.
  • Diverse brand portfolio. Access to a wide variety of brands across different industries, from startups to well-known global companies, offering a broad spectrum of collaboration opportunities.
  • Transparent communication tools. It features direct messaging and feedback tools within the platform, fostering clear and open communication between creators and brands.
  • Performance analytics. Creators receive detailed analytics on campaign performance, enabling them to measure their impact and refine their content strategies.


  • Access to a curated list of high-quality brand collaborations enhances portfolio diversity and income potential.
  • Personalized support and comprehensive campaign management reduce administrative workload, allowing creators to focus on content creation.
  • The platform's focus on transparency and communication builds trust and ensures that expectations are clearly set and met.
  • Performance analytics provide valuable insights into content effectiveness, aiding in personal and professional growth.


  • The platform’s selective matchmaking process may limit opportunities for newer or less-established creators.
  • Dependence on platform-mediated communications could delay negotiations or feedback loops with brands.
  • The high level of campaign management support might result in a lower degree of creative freedom for some projects.

Pricing plans:

Obviously operates on a no upfront cost model for creators, focusing instead on commission-based earnings derived from successful campaign collaborations. The platform does not publicly show specific commission rates or fees, suggesting that financial arrangements are likely discussed and agreed upon on a campaign-by-campaign basis.


TINT positions itself as a comprehensive platform for UGC creators, offering unique opportunities to collaborate with brands on a global scale.

It connects creators with companies seeking authentic, original content to enhance their marketing efforts.

TINT emphasizes the importance of real stories and genuine connections, making it a prime destination for creators who specialize in crafting relatable, impactful content.

The platform caters to a wide array of content types, from social media posts and blogs to videos and photographs, appealing to a diverse community of creators.

By facilitating direct partnerships between brands and creators, TINT aims to foster a collaborative ecosystem where creativity and authenticity are valued and rewarded.

Key platform features:

  • Global brand opportunities. Provides access to a wide range of international brands, offering creators the chance to work on diverse and challenging projects.
  • Content rights management. Ensures creators retain rights to their content, promoting fair use and recognition across campaigns.
  • Flexible collaboration options. Offers both one-time projects and ongoing collaborations, giving creators the flexibility to choose engagements that best fit their schedules and creative preferences.
  • Creator profile showcase. Allows creators to build detailed profiles showcasing their work, making it easier for brands to discover and engage with them.
  • Real-time analytics. Offers analytics tools for creators to track the reach and engagement of their content, facilitating insights into performance and audience interactions.


  • The opportunity to work with a variety of global brands can significantly expand a creator's portfolio and professional network.
  • Retaining content rights enhances creative control and ensures ongoing recognition for their work.
  • Flexible project options cater to different preferences and availability, accommodating both full-time and part-time creators.
  • The ability to showcase their portfolio directly to potential partners increases visibility and job opportunities.


  • High competition for projects with top-tier brands might make it challenging for emerging creators to get noticed.
  • The platform's global focus may require creators to navigate time zone differences and cultural nuances in brand collaborations.
  • Depending on the project's scope, payment rates and terms might vary widely, requiring creators to negotiate effectively.

Pricing plans:

TINT operates on a membership model for creators, with basic access to the platform being free, allowing for profile creation and access to a certain number of job opportunities. Premium membership options, which provide enhanced visibility to brands, access to exclusive projects, and advanced analytics, are available for a fee.

8. Insense

Insense is a specialized platform designed to empower UGC creators by connecting them with brands for paid collaborations.

It focuses on delivering a personalized experience for both creators and brands, ensuring that each collaboration is a perfect match for the content style, audience, and campaign objectives.

Insense is particularly appealing to creators who are looking to leverage their social media platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, to engage in creative projects that resonate with their followers.

By fostering direct relationships between creators and brands, Insense aims to streamline the collaboration process, making it more efficient and rewarding for both parties.

Key platform features:

  • Personalized brand matches. Uses advanced algorithms to match creators with brands that align with their content style and audience demographics.
  • Creative freedom. Offers creators the liberty to pitch their unique ideas to brands, encouraging creative input and innovation in campaign development.
  • Detailed campaign briefs. Provides comprehensive briefs that outline brand expectations, deliverables, and timelines, ensuring clarity and consistency throughout the collaboration.
  • Direct messaging with brands. Enables seamless communication between creators and brands through the platform, facilitating easier negotiation and feedback.
  • Analytics and reporting tools. Equips creators with detailed analytics on campaign performance, helping them to understand their impact and improve future content.


  • Access to a curated list of brands interested in authentic and creative collaborations increases potential income and portfolio diversity.
  • The emphasis on creative freedom allows creators to maintain their authenticity while engaging in brand collaborations.
  • Direct communication with brands simplifies the negotiation process and enhances project alignment and satisfaction.
  • Analytics tools provide valuable insights into content performance, aiding in personal branding and audience engagement strategies.


  • The platform's selective matching process may limit opportunities for newer creators with smaller followings.
  • Dependency on platform-specific analytics and communication tools might restrict flexibility in how creators manage their collaborations and data.
  • The focus on social media platforms may not accommodate creators specializing in other forms of content, such as blogging or podcasting.

Pricing plans:

Insense operates on a subscription model for creators, with various tiers offering different access levels and features. The basic tier might include access to a limited number of brand collaborations and basic analytics, while premium tiers could offer unlimited access, advanced analytics, and priority support.

Popular Pays is a forward-thinking platform that connects content creators with brands to produce authentic and engaging user-generated content.

It's designed to streamline the collaboration process, making it easier for creators to find work that aligns with their skills and for brands to discover talented individuals who can bring fresh perspectives to their marketing campaigns.

Specializing in social media content across platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, Popular Pays emphasizes the importance of creativity and authenticity in every collaboration.

The platform offers a variety of tools and features to help creators succeed, including detailed campaign briefs, direct communication with brands, and performance tracking.

By fostering a vibrant community of creators, Popular Pays aims to build lasting relationships between brands and the creative talent who can help them achieve their marketing goals.

Key platform features:

  • Campaign marketplace. It allows creators to browse and apply to a wide range of campaigns from various brands, tailored to their interests and expertise.
  • Creative portfolio. Creators can build and showcase their portfolios directly on the platform, enhancing their visibility to potential brand partners.
  • Direct brand communication. It facilitates direct conversations between creators and brands, ensuring clear communication and collaboration throughout the campaign.
  • Performance tracking. It provides creators with analytics on their campaign contributions, helping them understand their impact and refine their strategies.
  • Workshop and webinar access. It offers access to educational resources, including workshops and webinars, to help creators improve their skills and stay up-to-date with industry trends.


  • A diverse selection of campaigns offers opportunities across various industries and niches, increasing work variety.
  • The ability to showcase creative portfolios attracts more personalized and relevant campaign offers.
  • Direct communication with brands enhances project clarity and fosters better relationships.
  • Access to educational resources supports continuous learning and professional development.


  • The competitive nature of the platform may make it challenging for newer creators to secure their first campaigns.
  • Reliance on platform-specific metrics and feedback can limit understanding of broader content performance across social media.
  • The focus on social media content may not cater to creators specializing in other formats, such as long-form articles or podcasts.

Pricing plans:

Popular Pays operates on a commission-based model, taking a percentage of the creator’s earnings from each campaign for using the platform. This allows creators to join and participate in campaigns without upfront costs. The specific commission rates and any additional fees for premium features, such as enhanced portfolio visibility or access to advanced analytics, are not publicly available.

10. Creator is a comprehensive influencer marketing platform that connects UGC creators with brands for authentic collaboration opportunities.

It stands out for its community-driven approach, allowing creators of all sizes to join and find projects that align with their personal brand and audience.

The platform especially appeals to micro-influencers and those just beginning their journey in content creation, offering a wide range of collaborations across various social media platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and more. emphasizes the importance of authenticity and engagement, encouraging creators to choose collaborations that resonate with their followers.

By providing tools and insights to both creators and brands, the platform aims to foster meaningful connections that result in high-quality content and successful marketing campaigns.

Key platform features:

  • Collaboration opportunities. Access to a diverse array of brand collaborations, catering to a wide range of niches and content styles.
  • Campaign management dashboard. A comprehensive dashboard for managing collaborations, tracking progress, and analyzing results.
  • Creator marketplace. A feature that allows creators to showcase their profiles and be discovered by brands looking for specific content niches or audience demographics.
  • Automated matchmaking. An algorithm that matches creators with brands based on compatibility in content style, audience, and campaign goals.
  • Engagement and performance analytics. Tools that provide insights into how content performs, helping creators optimize their posts and increase engagement.


  • A wide variety of brand collaborations increases the chance of finding projects that align with a creator’s niche and audience.
  • The platform supports creators of all sizes, making it accessible for micro-influencers and those new to content creation.
  • Automated matchmaking simplifies the process of finding relevant collaborations.
  • The campaign management dashboard and analytics tools help creators track their success and learn from each campaign.


  • The emphasis on micro-influencers and new creators might mean more competition for certain types of campaigns.
  • Automated matchmaking may not always accurately reflect the creator's preferences or the nuances of their brand.
  • Dependence on platform analytics could limit insights into broader content performance across different social media channels.

Pricing plans: operates on a freemium model, where creators can join and access basic features for free, including applying for collaborations and using the campaign management dashboard. Premium features, such as advanced analytics, increased brand visibility, and exclusive campaign access, are available through a subscription.

11. Billo

Billo is a platform specifically designed for video content creators, offering a unique opportunity to collaborate with brands on UGC projects.

It focuses on streamlining the process for creators to find, apply, and complete video content tasks, from product reviews to unboxing videos and tutorial content.

Billo's approach is centered around enhancing the e-commerce experience for brands through authentic, creator-generated videos that can be used across social media, websites, and online stores.

The platform is accessible to creators of all skill levels, encouraging diversity and creativity in the content produced.

By providing a straightforward interface for project management and communication, Billo aims to make the collaboration process as seamless and efficient as possible for both creators and brands.

Key platform features:

  • Task marketplace. A dynamic listing of video content tasks from various brands, allowing creators to apply to projects that align with their interests and expertise.
  • Easy project submission. Creators can submit their completed videos directly through the platform, streamlining the review and approval process.
  • Creator profiles. A feature for creators to showcase their work and skills, making it easier for brands to discover and select them for projects.
  • Transparent payment system. Billo offers a clear and straightforward payment system, ensuring creators know what they will earn from each project upfront.
  • Feedback and rating system. A built-in system for brands to provide feedback and rate creator submissions, helping creators improve and gain credibility on the platform.


  • Access to a variety of video content tasks offers creators the flexibility to choose projects that best match their skills and interests.
  • The straightforward payment system provides transparency and reliability in earnings.
  • The ability to showcase their portfolio on the platform increases visibility to potential brand partners.
  • Receiving direct feedback from brands helps creators refine their craft and build their reputation on Billo.


  • The platform's focus on video content may limit opportunities for creators specializing in other types of content.
  • Competition for popular tasks can be high, making it challenging for new creators to secure their first projects.
  • Payment rates are set by brands, which might not always meet the expectations of experienced creators.

Pricing plans:

Billo operates on a task-based compensation model, where they pay creators per project completed. The platform does not charge creators upfront fees to join or apply for tasks. Instead, payment rates for each task are predetermined by the brands, providing transparency and consistency in compensation.

12. JoinBrands

JoinBrands is a platform that serves as a bridge between UGC creators and brands looking to amplify their online presence through authentic, creator-generated content.

It's designed to facilitate seamless collaborations across a variety of content formats, including social media posts, videos, blogs, and more.

JoinBrands prioritizes the alignment of creators with brands that share their values and aesthetics, ensuring that each collaboration is mutually beneficial and authentic.

The platform welcomes creators from all backgrounds and levels of experience, offering opportunities to work with emerging startups as well as established global brands.

By providing a suite of tools for communication, project management, and analytics, JoinBrands aims to streamline the collaboration process, making it easier for creators to focus on producing high-quality content.

Key platform features:

  • Diverse collaboration opportunities. Offers a wide range of collaboration options, from social media content creation to blog posts and video production, catering to creators across different mediums.
  • Brand-creator matching. Uses an advanced algorithm to match creators with brands that align with their content style and target audience, ensuring relevant and meaningful collaborations.
  • Project management tools. Includes comprehensive tools for managing collaborations from start to finish, including timelines, deliverable submissions, and communication channels.
  • Analytics dashboard. Provides creators with access to an analytics dashboard to track the performance of their content and gain insights into audience engagement.
  • Community engagement. Encourages community engagement among creators through forums and networking events, fostering a supportive creator community.


  • Access to a variety of brand collaborations offers creators the flexibility to choose projects that align with their interests and expertise.
  • The matching algorithm reduces the time and effort needed to find compatible brand partnerships.
  • Project management and analytics tools help creators stay organized and optimize their content for better engagement.
  • Opportunities for community engagement and networking can lead to more collaboration opportunities and professional growth.


  • The platform's wide range of collaboration opportunities might overwhelm new creators or those looking for niche projects.
  • Competition for collaborations with well-known brands can be intense, potentially limiting opportunities for less experienced creators.
  • Relying on an algorithm for brand matching may not always capture the nuances of a creator’s style or the specific needs of a brand.

Pricing plans:

JoinBrands operates on a commission-based model for creators, where a percentage of the earnings from each collaboration is taken as a fee for using the platform's services. This model allows creators to join and browse opportunities without any upfront costs. Creators interested in using JoinBrands are encouraged to sign up and explore the platform for more detailed information on pricing and the features available.

13. Tribe Group

Tribe Group is a pioneering platform that connects influencers and content creators with leading brands for impactful UGC collaborations.

It stands out for its focus on authenticity and creative freedom, allowing creators to produce content that resonates with their unique audience while fulfilling the marketing goals of brands.

Tribe Group emphasizes the power of influencer marketing across various social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok, catering to a diverse range of content styles and niches.

The platform facilitates a direct connection between creators and brands, enabling both parties to communicate and collaborate efficiently.

By prioritizing quality and genuine engagement, Tribe Group aims to ensure that every campaign is successful and mutually beneficial.

Key platform features:

  • Campaign marketplace. Creators can browse and apply to a variety of brand campaigns that match their interests and expertise.
  • Content submission platform. It allows creators to submit their original content directly to brands for approval, streamlining the collaboration process.
  • Transparent pricing. Tribe Group provides clear guidelines on compensation for each campaign, ensuring creators understand their earnings potential upfront.
  • Creative control. Creators have the freedom to produce content in their style, offering a genuine and authentic voice to brand campaigns.
  • Real-time analytics. It offers analytics tools for creators to track the performance and engagement of their content, enabling them to measure their impact accurately.


  • Access to a diverse range of global brand campaigns increases creators' opportunities to find work that aligns with their niche.
  • The ability to maintain creative control over content ensures that collaborations feel authentic to the creator’s audience.
  • Transparent compensation models provide clarity on earnings, making it easier for creators to manage their financial expectations.
  • Real-time analytics help creators understand their content's performance, aiding in the optimization of future campaigns.


  • The platform's competitive nature may make winning campaigns against more established influencers challenging for emerging creators.
  • The reliance on brand approval for content submission can lead to delays or changes in creative direction, potentially affecting the authenticity of the content.
  • Focused mainly on social media content, which might limit opportunities for creators specializing in other formats or platforms.

Pricing plans:

Tribe Group operates on a performance-based payment model, where creators are compensated based on the engagement and reach of their content. This model allows creators to potentially earn more based on the success of their campaigns. Specific details about payment rates or any fees associated with using the platform are not provided publicly on the website.

14. Peersway

Peersway is an influencer marketing platform that specializes in connecting nano and micro-influencers with brands for authentic user-generated content campaigns.

Peersway is dedicated to creating meaningful partnerships, allowing creators to promote products and services to their followers authentically.

Peersway aims to drive impactful brand awareness and conversion campaigns by emphasizing genuine content and engagement.

By emphasizing the value of genuine content and engagement, Peersway aims to drive impactful brand awareness and conversion campaigns.

The platform is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that influencers can easily find opportunities that align with their interests and audience demographics.

Key platform features:

  • Targeted campaign opportunities. Peersway curates campaigns specifically suited for nano and micro-influencers, focusing on quality engagement over sheer follower count.
  • Simplified campaign application process. The platform offers a streamlined application process, making it easy for influencers to apply to campaigns that match their niche.
  • Direct brand collaboration. Enables direct communication between influencers and brands, fostering transparency and building stronger relationships.
  • Performance tracking. Provides influencers with tools to track the effectiveness of their campaigns, including reach, engagement, and conversion metrics.
  • Influencer support. Peersway offers dedicated support to influencers, guiding content creation, campaign management, and performance improvement.


  • Access to campaigns that value authentic engagement, making it ideal for influencers with smaller audiences.
  • Working directly with brands enhances the potential for long-term partnerships and repeat collaborations.
  • Focusing on nano and micro-influencers reduces competition with larger accounts, increasing the chances of campaign selection.
  • Supportive resources and performance tracking tools help influencers optimize their content and grow their influence.


  • The niche focus on nano and micro-influencers might limit opportunities for creators with more significant followings.
  • Campaign budgets may be smaller compared to those targeting influencers with larger audiences, potentially affecting compensation levels.
  • The platform’s emphasis on specific social media platforms may not cater to influencers whose primary audience is on other channels.

Pricing plans:

Peersway operates on a model that does not require influencers to pay any upfront fees to join or apply for campaigns. Compensation for participating in campaigns is project-based, with rates determined by the scope of the campaign, the influencer's engagement rate, and other relevant metrics. Specific compensation details are provided for each campaign, allowing influencers to know their potential earnings before committing to a project.

15. #paid

#paid is a platform designed to connect content creators with brands for authentic and impactful collaborations across social media and beyond.

It emphasizes creating meaningful connections that not only fulfill the marketing objectives of brands but also resonate with the creators' audiences, ensuring authenticity in every campaign.

#paid is suitable for creators across a broad spectrum of follower counts, offering micro and macro influencers opportunities on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and more.

The platform prides itself on its community of vetted creators and brands, ensuring high-quality collaborations.

By leveraging advanced matching technology, #paid facilitates the perfect pairing between creators and campaigns, aiming to maximize both engagement and campaign effectiveness.

Key platform features:

  • Advanced matching algorithm. It ensures creators are matched with campaigns that align with their audience demographics and content style for higher engagement and authenticity.
  • Campaign management dashboard. It offers a comprehensive dashboard for creators to manage their campaigns, track progress, and analyze results efficiently.
  • Transparent compensation. Transparent compensation models remove ambiguity and help creators make informed decisions about the campaigns they engage with.
  • Creative freedom. While brands provide campaign briefs, creators are encouraged to bring their unique voice and creativity to the table, maintaining the authenticity of their content.
  • Educational resources and community support. It provides access to workshops, webinars, and a community forum for creators to learn, grow, and share experiences with peers.


  • Access to a wide range of brand campaigns across various industries increases the opportunity for diverse collaborations.
  • Transparent compensation models remove ambiguity and help creators make informed decisions about the campaigns they choose to engage with.
  • The emphasis on creative freedom allows creators to produce content that feels genuine to their style and audience, enhancing audience trust.
  • Educational resources and a supportive community aid in the professional development of creators, helping them to enhance their skills and grow their personal brand.


  • The competitive nature of the platform may make it challenging for newer or smaller creators to secure campaigns.
  • While the platform offers creative freedom, the final content still requires brand approval, which may sometimes limit creative expression.
  • The focus on vetted creators and brands means that the application process can be rigorous, potentially excluding some creators from joining the platform.

Pricing plans:

#paid operates on a commission-based model where creators receive compensation for their work on campaigns, with the platform taking a percentage as a service fee. This model allows creators to join and browse campaigns without any upfront costs.

16. Collabstr

Collabstr is an innovative platform designed to seamlessly connect influencers and content creators with brands for sponsored content opportunities across various social media platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

It differentiates itself with a marketplace approach, allowing creators to list their services and set their own prices while brands browse and buy directly from the most compatible creators.

Collabstr emphasizes transparency and efficiency, enabling direct negotiations and transactions between creators and brands without intermediaries.

This approach not only simplifies the collaboration process but also empowers creators by giving them control over their pricing and partnership terms.

The platform is suitable for influencers of all sizes, from micro to macro, providing a diverse range of opportunities across industries.

Key platform features:

  • Creator profiles. Influencers can create detailed profiles showcasing their social media channels, content style, and audience demographics, helping brands find the perfect match.
  • Direct brand deals. It enables direct communication and transactions between creators and brands, facilitating a streamlined negotiation process.
  • Transparent pricing. Creators set their own collaboration rates, offering transparent, upfront pricing to interested brands.
  • Varied collaboration opportunities. The platform hosts a wide array of collaboration opportunities, including sponsored posts, story shoutouts, and product reviews.
  • Instant payments. It offers a secure and immediate payment system, ensuring creators are compensated promptly upon completing their work.


  • Full control over pricing and collaboration terms allows creators to tailor their offerings to their expertise and audience value.
  • Direct interaction with brands streamlines the negotiation process and can lead to more personalized and effective collaborations.
  • The ability to list services on a public marketplace increases visibility to potential brand partners beyond one's existing network.
  • Prompt payment upon project completion mitigates the risk of delayed or defaulted payments.


  • Setting competitive pricing can be challenging, especially for newer creators unfamiliar with the market rate for their services.
  • The platform's marketplace model may require creators to actively promote their profiles to stand out among a vast talent pool.
  • Dependence on direct deals means creators must be proactive in communication and negotiation, which might not suit all personalities or skill sets.

Pricing plans:

Collabstr operates on a commission-based model, taking a percentage of the transaction as a fee for facilitating the connection between creators and brands. This fee is deducted from the payment sent to the creators, ensuring there are no upfront costs for listing their services on the platform.

17. Impact

Impact is a comprehensive platform that offers a robust suite of tools for influencers and content creators to connect with brands, manage campaigns, and track their success.

It's designed to streamline the process of influencer marketing by providing a one-stop shop where creators can find collaboration opportunities, negotiate deals, and measure the effectiveness of their content.

Impact caters to a wide range of creators, from bloggers and social media influencers to YouTubers and podcasters, offering opportunities across various industries.

The platform emphasizes data-driven decisions, allowing both brands and creators to make informed choices about their partnerships.

By focusing on transparency, efficiency, and performance, Impact aims to foster successful collaborations that benefit both creators and brands.

Key platform features:

  • Automated partnership discovery. Uses advanced algorithms to match creators with brands that align with their audience and content style, simplifying the search for relevant collaboration opportunities.
  • Contract negotiation tools. Provides a streamlined process for negotiating partnership terms directly within the platform, ensuring clear communication and agreement between parties.
  • Comprehensive campaign management. Includes tools for managing every aspect of a campaign, from content creation to submission and performance tracking.
  • Detailed analytics dashboard. Offers in-depth insights into campaign performance, audience engagement, and earnings, helping creators optimize their strategies for future collaborations.
  • Payment processing. Facilitates secure and timely payments through the platform, simplifying the financial aspects of influencer partnerships.


  • Access to a broad network of brands across different industries increases the variety of collaboration opportunities.
  • The ability to negotiate contracts directly with brands enhances control over partnership terms and compensation.
  • Advanced analytics provide valuable feedback on content performance, aiding in the continuous improvement of creator strategies.
  • Automated discovery and management tools save time and streamline the process of finding and executing collaborations.


  • The platform's comprehensive features and emphasis on data may present a learning curve for creators new to influencer marketing platforms.
  • High competition for brand collaborations on a platform with a vast network of creators might make it challenging to secure deals, especially for those with smaller followings.
  • Dependence on platform metrics for performance insights might limit visibility into off-platform engagement or impact.

Pricing plans:

Impact operates on a performance-based model for creators, where earnings are typically tied to the success of the campaigns they participate in, such as commission on sales generated or payment for content produced.

18. Brands Meet Creators

Brands Meet Creators is an innovative platform designed to facilitate direct connections between content creators and brands looking for authentic user-generated content.

It emphasizes simplicity in the matchmaking process, providing a straightforward way for creators to find opportunities that align with their skills and for brands to discover talent that can amplify their marketing efforts.

The platform is tailored to creators across a wide range of mediums, including social media influencers, bloggers, videographers, and more, offering varied opportunities across numerous industries.

By focusing on ease of use and effective communication, Brands Meet Creators aims to streamline the collaboration process, making it more accessible for creators of all levels to engage with meaningful brand partnerships.

Key platform features:

  • Direct connection with brands. It allows creators to directly connect with brands, fostering transparent and efficient communication for collaboration opportunities.
  • Varied collaboration opportunities. It offers a wide array of collaboration types, from sponsored content and social media posts to product reviews and video creation.
  • Creator profiles. Creators can create comprehensive profiles showcasing their work, style, and audience demographics, making it easier for brands to find the perfect match.
  • Project bidding system. It enables creators to bid on projects, giving them control over the work they take on and the compensation they receive.
  • Feedback and rating system. It incorporates a feedback and rating system for both creators and brands, ensuring quality and reliability in the collaboration process.


  • The opportunity to directly connect with brands can lead to more personalized and potentially lucrative collaborations.
  • A wide range of collaboration opportunities increases the likelihood of finding projects that align with a creator's niche and audience.
  • The ability to set up detailed profiles helps creators effectively showcase their talents and attract compatible brand partnerships.
  • Control over project bidding allows creators to negotiate their rates and select projects that best fit their schedule and financial goals.


  • Competition for popular brands and projects can be high, making it challenging for newer creators to stand out.
  • The project bidding system may result in a race to the bottom on pricing, especially in highly competitive niches.
  • Opportunities for niche creators may be limited depending on the platform's user base and market reach.

Pricing plans:

Brands Meet Creators operates on a commission-based model, taking a percentage of the earnings from each project as a fee for facilitating the connection between creators and brands. This approach allows creators to join and browse opportunities without any upfront costs.

19. Intellifluence

Intellifluence is a comprehensive influencer marketing platform designed to connect content creators with brands for collaborations that can range from social media posts to comprehensive marketing campaigns.

It caters to influencers across all major platforms, including Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and more, emphasizing the importance of authentic and impactful user-generated content.

Intellifluence stands out for its ease of use and its ability to facilitate direct connections between creators and brands, streamlining the collaboration process.

The platform supports a wide variety of niches, offering opportunities for creators with different interests and audience sizes.

By prioritizing straightforward communication and transparent collaboration terms, Intellifluence aims to make influencer marketing accessible and rewarding for creators at any stage of their career.

Key platform features:

  • Large brand network. It offers access to a vast network of brands across multiple industries, providing a wide range of collaboration opportunities.
  • Easy campaign application. It simplifies the process for creators to find and apply to campaigns that match their interests and expertise.
  • Direct messaging system. It facilitates direct communication between creators and brands, allowing for clear and efficient collaboration discussions.
  • Transparent compensation. It clearly outlines compensation details for campaigns, ensuring creators understand what they will earn before committing to a project.
  • Performance tracking. It enables creators to track their campaign performance and impact directly through the platform, offering insights to optimize future collaborations.


  • Access to a diverse range of brands and campaigns increases the likelihood of finding collaborations that align with a creator's niche and audience.
  • The ability to directly communicate with brands streamlines the negotiation process and helps establish clear expectations for both parties.
  • Transparent compensation structures remove uncertainty around earnings, allowing creators to make informed decisions about their collaborations.
  • Performance tracking tools provide valuable feedback on the effectiveness of content, aiding in the growth and development of a creator's influence.


  • The platform's wide user base may lead to high competition for popular campaigns, making it challenging for newer creators to secure collaborations.
  • Dependence on direct communication for negotiation might require creators to have or develop strong negotiation skills.
  • The focus on direct brand collaborations may limit opportunities for creators interested in more passive income streams or affiliate marketing.

Pricing plans:

Intellifluence offers a free tier for creators, allowing them to join the platform, create a profile, and apply to campaigns without any upfront cost. Premium features, such as enhanced visibility to brands and access to exclusive campaigns, may be available through subscription plans.

20. Backstage

Backstage is renowned for its comprehensive casting and job listing services that cater to the entertainment industry, including actors, models, musicians, and now, UGC creators.

Expanding its offerings to include UGC jobs significantly broadens Backstage's scope, acknowledging the growing importance of digital content creation in the entertainment sector.

This platform is ideal for creators looking for opportunities, including acting in web series, participating in social media campaigns, or creating video content for various platforms.

By integrating UGC job listings, Backstage offers creators a wide range of opportunities to showcase their talents.

Key features:

  • Diverse job listings. It includes a wide array of UGC opportunities, from social media campaigns and brand partnerships to roles in digital series and online commercials.
  • Advanced search filters. It allows creators to refine their job search based on specific criteria, such as location, compensation, and project type, making it easier to find relevant opportunities.
  • Profile and portfolio features. Creators can create profiles and upload their portfolios, highlighting their skills and previous work to potential employers.
  • Application management. It offers tools for tracking job applications and managing responses from employers, streamlining the job search process.
  • Industry resources and advice. It provides access to articles, tips, and advice on navigating the digital content creation space, helping creators to improve their skills and marketability.


  • Access to a broad spectrum of UGC jobs that cater to various skills and interests, from acting to content creation.
  • The ability to filter and tailor job searches allows creators to find opportunities that match their preferences and skills efficiently.
  • Having a dedicated profile and portfolio space helps creators showcase their talents to potential employers effectively.
  • Resources and advice offered by the platform can be invaluable for creators looking to navigate the UGC job market and improve their craft.


  • The platform's primary focus on the entertainment industry might limit the visibility of pure UGC roles not tied to acting or performance.
  • Competition for roles may be intense, given Backstage's reputation and the wide reach of its job listings.
  • Some UGC opportunities may lean towards acting and performance, potentially limiting options for creators focused exclusively on content like photography or writing.

Pricing plans:

Backstage offers different subscription levels for users, including a free tier with limited access and premium subscriptions that offer full access to casting calls, job listings, and additional features such as enhanced profile visibility and direct messaging with employers.

21. Fiverr

Fiverr is a global online marketplace that connects freelancers with businesses and individuals looking for services, including a wide range of UGC creation jobs.

It caters to digital marketers, content creators, graphic designers, videographers, and more, offering a platform where they can sell their services to a global audience.

Fiverr is renowned for its diverse service categories, ease of use, and flexible pricing structure, making it an attractive option for both new and experienced creators looking to monetize their skills.

The platform simplifies the process of finding work by allowing creators to set up gigs that detail their services, prices, and work terms.

This direct-to-consumer approach enables creators to maintain control over their workload, pricing, and client interactions, fostering an environment of entrepreneurship and creativity.

Key marketplace features:

  • Gig listings. Creators can list their services as "gigs," detailing what they offer, turnaround time, and pricing, providing a straightforward way for clients to purchase services.
  • Custom offers. It allows creators to send tailored proposals to potential clients, offering flexibility for unique project requirements.
  • Rating and review system. It features a comprehensive rating and review system that helps creators build credibility and attract more clients based on their performance.
  • Secure payment system. It ensures that creators are paid securely and promptly through Fiverr's platform, with earnings released after order completion.
  • Messaging system. It includes a built-in messaging system that facilitates clear communication between creators and clients, ensuring that project requirements and expectations are well understood.


  • The ability to reach a global client base increases the potential for job opportunities and income.
  • Creators have full control over their pricing, workload, and client interactions, allowing for a personalized work experience.
  • The rating and review system helps build credibility and trust with potential clients, enhancing a creator's visibility and marketability.
  • Fiverr's secure payment system reduces the risk of non-payment and financial disputes.


  • High competition among creators can make it challenging to stand out and attract clients, especially for those new to the platform.
  • Fiverr's commission fees, which take a percentage of each transaction, may impact overall earnings.
  • The platform's emphasis on competitive pricing can lead to a race to the bottom, with creators potentially underpricing their services to attract clients.

Pricing plans:

Fiverr operates on a commission-based model, taking a fee from creators for each transaction. This fee is a percentage of the payment received for a gig, typically around 20% for each order. There are no upfront costs for creators to list their services, making it accessible for freelancers at all stages of their careers. The platform also offers various levels of seller status, with higher levels unlocking additional features and benefits based on performance and customer satisfaction.

22. LinkedIn

LinkedIn, while primarily known as a professional networking site, has increasingly become a valuable platform for finding UGC creator jobs.

It serves as a bridge connecting content creators with companies and brands looking for professionals to produce engaging, high-quality content for their audiences.

LinkedIn allows creators to showcase their portfolios, engage with industry content, and directly apply for job listings in a variety of fields, including marketing, writing, video production, and graphic design.

The platform's focus on professional connections and industry relevance makes it an excellent place for creators to find opportunities that match their skills and career aspirations.

Additionally, LinkedIn's content creation and sharing features enable creators to demonstrate their expertise and attract potential employers through their posts and articles.

Key features:

  • Job search functionality. It offers a comprehensive job search engine that allows creators to find UGC-related positions using keywords, locations, and filters for job type and industry.
  • Professional networking. It enables creators to connect with industry professionals, join groups, and engage in discussions, increasing visibility and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Portfolio showcase. Creators can enhance their profiles with links to their portfolios, videos, articles, and other relevant work, showcasing their skills directly to potential employers.
  • Content creation and sharing. It allows users to publish articles, post updates, and share insights, demonstrating their expertise and value to a broader network.
  • Recommendations and endorsements. It features that let peers endorse skills or write recommendations, bolstering a creator's credibility and attractiveness to potential employers.


  • Direct access to a wide range of UGC jobs posted by reputable companies and brands.
  • Networking opportunities with industry professionals can lead to collaborations and job offers.
  • The ability to showcase work and expertise on one's profile increases visibility and credibility.
  • Engaging with content and discussions in one's field can highlight expertise and attract interest from potential employers.


  • High competition for jobs due to the platform's vast user base.
  • Maintaining an active and engaging LinkedIn profile requires consistent effort and content creation.
  • Networking to uncover the best opportunities can be time-consuming and requires a strategic approach.

Pricing plans:

LinkedIn offers a free basic account that allows users to create a profile, connect with professionals, and apply for jobs. For more advanced features, such as seeing who has viewed your profile, detailed insights on job postings, and InMail messaging capabilities, LinkedIn offers a Premium subscription. The Premium Career subscription, which is most relevant for job seekers, includes additional tools to help find and apply for jobs, with pricing that varies by region.


We've explored 22 different platforms, tools, and apps where UGC creators like you can find jobs.

From global marketplaces to specialized networks, each option offers unique opportunities to showcase your talents and connect with potential clients or employers.

While each option has its merits depending on your specific needs, Showcase stands out as the best overall choice for UGC creators.

It uniquely combines a robust matching algorithm, direct communication tools, and a secure payment system, ensuring you find relevant opportunities and manage your collaborations efficiently.

Remember, understanding your needs and preferences is the key to finding the right platform.

Look at what each option offers, and you're sure to find a fit that meets your requirements and helps propel your career forward.

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Some invisible text

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